
Welcome to the Words of Engagement Intergroup Dialogue Program (WEIDP) Student Profile site! The Student Profile asks you to disclose basic demographic information and to self-identify your various social identities. We use this information to ensure our course sections are diverse and can facilitate our ability to meet the course objectives.

All of the information in the Student Profile is kept strictly confidential and is only accessible to the ENES/CHSE338 administrative team (staff only) - it is not shared with the course facilitators.The information collected is used to create the sections and in the aggregate to support our assessment and curricular efforts. The information you personally disclose will never be shared or used for any other purposes.

You do not need to disclose an identity if you are not comfortable doing so, but you do need to complete the Student Profile in order to finalize your enrollment status in the course.


  • STEP ONE: Students should only create a profile on this site once they have first registered for an Intergroup Dialogue Course on Testudo (www.testudo.umd.edu).
  • STEP TWO: Please click on "My Account" above to create a student profile.
  • STEP THREE: Once you have created and saved a profile, go to "SELECT COURSES" above to choose the course for which you have registered on Testudo.
  • STEP FOUR: Once you have completed these steps, staff will be in touch with you to let you know in which dialogue theme you have been placed.

Questions? Email dialogue@umd.edu

Thanks for your interest in an intergroup dialogue course! For more information on intergroup dialogue please go to http://diversity.umd.edu/dialogue.